Posted on 6/16/2017

‘Tis the Season to Hit the Road Kids are out of school, three-day-weekends are plentiful, and the great outdoors is calling. This summer many motorists will pack their cars, heading out on that long awaited summer vacation. But, before you pull out of the driveway check to see if your vehicle is ready. To keep the fun in your vacation it is best to prepare your Car/Truck/SUV ahead of time, keeping you stress free and relaxed. Protecting your family from unseen circumstances that can endanger your trip or your lives. Whether it’s a trip out of town, to the beach, or just around the corner your friends at Walt’s Auto Service want to help you get ready for your 2017 summer activities with our “Super Summer Vacation Special” coupon. $25.00 off any service or repair of $100 or more. Give us a call to take advantage our “Super Summer Vacation Special!” Please feel free to share this special offer with your friends and fa ... read more