Posted on 12/1/2022

The winter season is here, and it is time to wax our skis and snowboards and plan for our snow day adventures in some of the best southern California ski resorts! When we look forward to snow adventures and planning our trip, it is easy to forget to schedule a check-up on our vehicle to make sure we make it there and back again safely. So remember to schedule your vehicle check-up at Walt’s Auto Service, and we will help you feel confident in your adventures. Are you ready for fun in the snow? We sure are, and the drive is not as far as you might think! Bear Mountain Bear Mountain is an excellent place to learn how to ski or snowboard. With 27 fantastic trails on the slope and only 2 hours from Los Angeles, this snow adventure with an elevation drop of 1,700 feet and 8,800-foot peaks, you are sure to get some good runs no matter your skill level. Snow Summit With over 18 miles of skiing, Sn ... read more
Posted on 6/28/2022

How many people in your inner circle know CPR? Do you know? It’s been researched and discovered that, sadly, 70 percent of Americans feel helpless to act during a cardiac emergency. This feeling of helplessness is due to improper training or a complete lack of it. This alarming statistic hit’s very close to home- “because home is where 88 percent of cardiac arrests occur.” - CPR.BLOG. Our team at Walt’s Auto Service wants to highlight an event dedicated to changing this significant and deadly statistic for the better. Our shop and crew are close to this organization because its founder is one of our employees’ sons, which we will get to later. Introducing the Heartshield Project. “The Heartshield Project is a non-profit organization with a mission to save lives through education about Sudden Cardiac Arrest, SCA, its risk factors ... read more
Posted on 10/1/2021

Distracted Driving Unsurprisingly, distracted driving is the number one cause of car accidents across the country. Every single day more than nine people are killed due to distracted driving. A distracted driver is a loose term that ultimately means their undivided attention is somewhere else than the road. Talking and texting is a joint distractor, and a person is 23 times more likely to crash a vehicle while texting and driving. 40% of American teenagers have stated they've been in a car while the driver was using their cell phone. Other distractions most frequently come from other passengers in the vehicle, food, or a pet. It's always important to stress that the driver's only job is to keep their eyes on the road ahead. Speeding When driving on a road or freeway, driver's often weave through the traffic for fun, even though everyone is going the speed limi ... read more