Posted on 9/1/2021

Happy September to you all; as we prepare ourselves to welcome back the cool fall weather, it also means that back to school is right around the corner. Many schools and colleges will be welcoming back their students very shorty & we at Walt's Auto Service want you as parents and loved ones to be prepared as your child begins the drive back to school. Let's start by easing some stress and thoroughly preparing our students with a well-working and equipped vehicle. Walt's Auto Service presents - Getting your child's car ready for back to school. Cleaning the Vehicle: Who doesn't love a fresh, clean exterior? Cleaning the outside of your vehicle isn't all about aesthetics; dirt & debris can damage the body of your car over time and lead to more costly repairs. Take this cleaning day as a time to explain more details about the exterior of a vehicle with your soon-to-be student. Take them to a local auto shop to pick up cleaning supplies that ... read more