Posted on 10/1/2021

Distracted Driving Unsurprisingly, distracted driving is the number one cause of car accidents across the country. Every single day more than nine people are killed due to distracted driving. A distracted driver is a loose term that ultimately means their undivided attention is somewhere else than the road. Talking and texting is a joint distractor, and a person is 23 times more likely to crash a vehicle while texting and driving. 40% of American teenagers have stated they've been in a car while the driver was using their cell phone. Other distractions most frequently come from other passengers in the vehicle, food, or a pet. It's always important to stress that the driver's only job is to keep their eyes on the road ahead. Speeding When driving on a road or freeway, driver's often weave through the traffic for fun, even though everyone is going the speed limi ... read more